Floating / dockside hotel
In the current global tourism market, which is in the process of returning to pre-pandemic levels (source World Tourism Organization barometer), we are seeing several strong trends. The top 5 trends identified by Travel Insight at the #REV23 Conference are completely in phase with the floating hotel, or flotel, concept:
- “Revenge travel” continues. After feeling so deprived, travelers want to seize every opportunity to go somewhere, often booking at the spur of the moment, later, and impulse buying.
- Getting closer to nature. The desire to get back to basics continues after 2 years of lockdowns.
- Respect for the environment.
- A desire for authenticity and diversity.
- The quest for well-being.
All of these trends match perfectly with our Kayflô Village concept, where you can offer your guests the sea as their backyard with the gentle rocking of the waves, all while respecting the environment. To meet the needs of a varied clientele, a combined FLOATING / DOCKED solution is entirely feasible, depending on the possibilities of your installation site.
To best meet your operating requirements, we worked with the company HORWATH LTD to offer experiential accommodations, with attractive profitability including cash flow generation. This is the Kayflô Village concept that we can develop with you, a global opportunity.
Floating hotel
- INNOVATIVE: A hotel complex featuring STAY-Ô lodges, true floating suites.
- EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION: In a natural and exclusive coastal area.
- ECONOMICAL AND ECOLOGICAL: Minimal environmental impact and optimized operating costs.
Docked hotel
- EASY INSTALLATION: Use the port’s infrastructure and services.
- ECONOMICAL : much lower price per m² in sought-after cities.
- UNIQUE EXPERIENCE: Move STAY-Ô lodges to nearby anchorages.